Text written and performed as part of a collaborative sound performance at Recreational Grounds V with Verity Birt to mark the full moon in Scorpio on Saturday the 18th of May 2019.
We saw it above the air each time space turned round. We counted, it changed but stayed the same. The thing again came back as it always came back. Big big big big big big stones thumbed in to the ground by hands of us but all together to make giant hands, shared. Ankles of stones with legs missing walk our eyes up to the round yellow round yellow round face. The light left us, shaded us, we came together, the light split us apart again, we could move, we could find,
we could be free when being free felt free.
Grass, roots, milk, mother, flower, hare, hawthorn.
Grass, roots, milk, mother, flower, hare, hawthorn.
Grass, roots, milk, mother, flower, hare, hawthorn.
We all lapped at the pools, looked at the river as it sloughed its way across the skin earth of the plain. We were wet from rain and lakes. The water waxed and the blood waned. Distant animals came closer, dead. The fire could go out, the sky was light anyway, light all the time behind the hills at the edge of space. We loved each other; the long grass hid us under the long light of the longer night.
We felt the small lights linked by lines we wondered how they changed us with the shapes they made that our eyes always saw except they always changed so we followed them to see them again. We always followed them we always had, we always had to. The things that had happened were the things that will happen that are the things that are happening. We have names for them now but what they are then and now are the things they always were.
The names aren’t what they are, they never cared about being fixed in time, like we do.
Graffias, Jabbah, Dschubba, Sargas, Alniyat, Shaula, Lesath, Fang
Graffias, Jabbah, Dschubba, Sargas, Alniyat, Shaula, Lesath, Fang
Graffias, Jabbah, Dschubba, Sargas, Alniyat, Shaula, Lesath, Fang
We said goodnight and the face of the night started towards shade and shadow and the loop,
as always, kept going. For ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
and ever.