Kingsgate Takeover

My research during this residency covered knot-making and rope-work, tipi building and ideas of shelter and construction of ritual structures, medieval visions of apocalypse, prehistoric cups, human relationships to nature through food and the presence of time on the decay of fruits and vegetables, ritual structures, acts of making from wood, animism and panpsychism.

Custard apple.Custard apple.
Kingsgate Takeover
A failed arch.A failed arch.
Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover
Cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.Cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.
Kingsgate Takeover
Cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage.Cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage.
Cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.Cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.
Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover
Horse — Coppiced willow poles, estovers, rope, eggs, stones and cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.Horse — Coppiced willow poles, estovers, rope, eggs, stones and cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.
Horse (detail) — Coppiced willow poles, estovers, rope, eggs, stones and cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.Horse (detail) — Coppiced willow poles, estovers, rope, eggs, stones and cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.
Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover

(4) Taking or moving any substance in or from the Forest, save with the previous written consent of the Conservators, PROVIDED that this byelaw shall not apply to the collection in any one day of no more than 12 kg of loose, dead or driftwood, of which no piece shall exceed 5 cm in diameter and 91 cm in length.

From the Byelaws of Epping forest

‘Some being of the opinion of Thales, that water was the originall of all things, thought it most equall to submit unto the principle of putrefaction, and conclude in a moist relentment’ 

Thomas Browne

Cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.Cotton dyed with fermented red cabbage, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda.
Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover

Apparently Prometheus brought fire to humans hidden in a bulb of fennel.

Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover
Kingsgate Takeover

her ys seo bot, hu ðu meaht

here is the remedy, how you may

þine æceras betan gif hi nellaþ

your fields better if they do not

wel wexan oþþe þær hwilc unge

grow well, or if any unhealthy

defe þing on gedon bið on dry

thing has been done to them

oððe on lyblace genim þonne

by sorcery or by poison

on niht, ær hyt dagige, feower

at night, before it is dawn, [take] four

tyrf on feower healfa þæs lan

sods from the four parts of your land

des 7 gemearca hu hy ær stod

& mark where they stood

on. Nim þonne ele 7 hunig 7 beor

before. Then take oil & honey & yeast

man 7 ælces feos meolc þe on þæm

& milk from each cow that is on the

lande sy 7 ælces treocynnes

land & of each kind of tree

dæl þe on þæm lande sy gewexen

a bit that on the land you grow

butan heardan beaman 7 ælcre

except hornbeam & of each

nam cuþre wyrte dæl butan

named herb take a piece except only

glappan anon 7 do þonne haligwæt

buckbean & add then holy water

er ðær on 7 drype þon þriwa on

& drip thereon three times on

þone staðol þara turfa 7 cwe

the bottom of the sods &

þe ðonne ðas word…

say then these words…


Extract from the Æcerbot, an 11th century Anglo Saxon field blessing ritual.

Kingsgate Takeover